About Me

Matrix rain

Background ⟹

I am a computer scientist, devops engineer, system administrator, and web developer all rolled up into one.

Here's my story, I came from learning to make videos on Imovie, then transferred to editing videos on my computer. In the process, I learned about FOSS and its theories doing this, and transferred to a computer-based ecosystem. I soon got into multimedia creation, using open source, and even bought a drawing tablet that I still use to help me with this.

After that, I became more interested in the actual code and underlying technology behind the applications that I was using, and therefore began learning the process of how to code. I then used my knowledge of programming to further my knowledge and explore relative areas to programming, such as Devops and Containerized development. From there, I used those technologies to further improve and work on my coding.

My Proficiencies

I mainly work on devops and containerized workflows where isolation and cross-platform workflows are important. I also run a selfhosted server at home and use it to continually learn new technologies.

Proficiency Levels

These are all very relativistic measurements

Front end:



Machine Learning/AI:


This is me:


I am Absozero. An open source enthusiast, indecisive developer, and a humorous person. I love to 👨‍💻 code and work with any type of software, regardless of the language. 🤖 Hardware is also a portion that I like, I work in robotics, in the VEX ecosystem. That is where two portions come together, both coding and controlling hardware on the robot. I also work in the web, desktop, and command line fields, with javascript and python mainly, and I also work with rust and go for low level/compiled software.

Top Langs

Technologies used:

  • VSCode
  • Linux
  • Git
  • Go
  • Rust
  • Javascript
    • Node
  • Python

My stack:

JavaScript HTML5 Python Go Java

Hugo CSS3 JSON Electron Svelte Nodejs Docker MySQL Git Git

Vim VSCode Windows Linux

Some more stats

Readme Card

Awesome Devtools

Abso's github stats

Skills ⟹

Devops, Sysadmin, Software engineer, backend and Frontend developer, robotics experience

Timeline of Interests