I love software and all of the cool things that are possible with it. So much so that I like to mess around in multiple areas and code in different environments. However, 2 main topics will always have my interest and my work put into it, and those are the browser and the desktop
- For example, I love to go to Github and search for repos that could help my workflow.
I use the terminal a lot because of its cross platfor usability as well as the fact that a lot of the development workflow runs on the cli, and in my opinion, it is one of the most useful parts of a developer’s toolbox, and it has a lot of cool applications, plus, only requires a keyboard. No point and clicking. Then again, what is a terminal without its apps, right? For this, on github, I use Github topics, and see the top repos on the topic and explore.
I also research and see alot of blog posts about this topic. In fact, the amount of developer blogs and documentation written by users is one of the prime reasons why I wanted to start my own blog, and having hosted on github pages, I found and started using hexo.
Due to there being so much FOSS software I could use, I was sometimes confused and having to make a choice between different products was not fun. Though, I managed to setup a workflow that fits me, but my drive to find new and cool tools will probably never be satisfied, and I will keep searching. Websearching to find cool tools to further improve my workflow was very fruit